We wish to inform you that the Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, School of Biotechnology along with School of Chemistry of Bharathidasan University has proposed to organize an international conference on Advances in Biotechnology and Patenting (ICABP -2013) from February 18 –21st,   2013. The assortment of biotech applications is nearly endless, dealing with living organisms and their byproducts in industries, medicine, agriculture, environment and social welfare, and competitive to improve the quality of life by preventing chronic disease, meeting the food and energy needs of our growing population and addressing the looming impact of climate change. There is growing awareness on the imperative need to conserve, protect and manage their valuable natural resources for production and marketing for beneficial of humans. Intellectual property rights (IPR) have become an important aspect in Biotechnology which is characterized by high investments in research and development (R&D). IPRs may also adversely affect the food security, use of evolved agricultural practices, biological diversity and ecological balance and the livelihood of the poor in developing countries. Many products and technologies are simultaneously marketed and utilized in many countries. Developers of such products and technologies would like to ensure R&D costs and other costs associated with introduction of new products in the market are recovered and enough profits are generated for investing in R&D to keep up the R&D efforts. Patents such as rDNA, Cell lines, genetically engineered products, human bone marrow stem cells and hybridization conditions have already been patented with many more in the pipe line.  The proposed conference will address the advances in the above fields of Biotechnology and patenting, licensing and copyright of novel inventions of Biological products and technology transfer.

The organizing committee is keen to encourage, papers and discussion in the following areas. In order to maintain a continuous stream of new ideas and experimentations, public private partnership in R&D need to be nurtured to arrive at a win-win situation. Therefore all researchers, students, professionals will have to come to terms with the new ground realities and take positive steps to direct research in advances of Biotechnology and to generate more intellectual property rights, protect and manage them efficiently and make the ICAB-2013 as a success.


Area of Focus

  • Biodiversity and its Conservation

Drug discovery and development

Sustainable development


  • Recent trends and future of biotechnology








  • Intellectual property rights (IPR)

Issues in patenting and IPR

Technology transfer of patents

                                    Products and process patenting